damn it lah... tio fever then cannot use comp. haiyo..now at lan posting... looking at one guy play pf so pro. so xian mu. oh wells. haha. 2 days MC. lots of homewrk im gonna have to chiong... anyway i have to post about this.. few days ago when me, jh, louis and yusiang eating prata, we were discussing about how FLAT-CHESTED maureen was lol. apparently yusiang brought the joke too far and thus invoked louis's QUAN TOU and so they started a lock-hand fight. rofl.
Louis: say say say very nice to say meh?
yusiang: ya la i wan say he flat-chested even nipples oso don haf cannot ar?
louis: ya cannot lei!
yusiang: why cannot lei? i say her your problem meh?
louis: i say for her cannot ar??
wwa so nice lo. maureen should have heard this.. oohs and i was there sitting down eatting prata watching the drama lmao.. hmm ill end it here right now. the patch is done. =P
FUCK CHOIRwhat never see correct target. what never put in effort. lousy sound? mr yong nvr teach us publicly how to use diaphrugm lei. he teach me is 1 to 1 de leh. president and v.president then very big arh? say you don like our friggin attitude SO WHAT? its YOU that make us have this friggin attitude. and if you dun lyk our attitude then don come kpkb la. you think we like your attitude meh. ming zhi dao is stuart say "1 hour for sectionals only arhh!" still wan suan him. xiao peh la.
FUCK KHORwhat the FUCK is your problem. say you abit only you scared until wan say call make appointment with dm. you think you like that i very scared meh. you watch out lah. you wan play games, ill take you head on. just be thankful that you're alive man. you cause so many of us to fail maths still wan kpkb. you good. watch out.
im supposing that you guys love me too much and keep tagging me. 2 days pass and i have to reply another big bunch of tags due my noob-training. oh wells i shall do them in addition to ranting about the darn weather. rain rain rain.. all you know is rain. why not just let it be cool. no sun but NOT RAINING. not raining means no slippery floor means can skate! damn. oh wells. theres something to be glad about. today no homework :D thats exactly why im allowed to use the computer duh. and as for why im not chionging maple is that.. i love you guys too much too =D
TAGGS chrno order
joelyn: LOL you keep aherm as your pet lor. surely will 1314 wan. lol i see in maple. dono what it means actually. =.=" and no CCA actually means auto-posted to school service club. =.="
joelyn: i know some pple go next door, bowen. the.. umm.. whats those three name.. ya! SEXY CHICKEN BRA. where they go?
cheryl: lmao. you never did except for the once you were amazed at how i got to your blog. anyways. will link you asap (:
jas: *aherm* *changes to a highly feminine voice* is that crap or a promise? lmao
quila: oh i see. lmao. should i change cca to.. umm.. ELDDS and slack? =/ what moopoo? o.O
meiqi: no nid la. just eat more and you will literally die - of shock.
chitann: oh yes i can. i have what they call charm. wait wait let me say in chinese to show off.. M-E-I L-I! OI OI. is mei4 li4 ar.. not mei3 li4 T_T
chitann: guy: slap his balls and say "pardon?" girl: talk to my finger, bitch (points my longest finger) lmao. wait.. or maybe i could just stuff my pencil case down their throats, but oh well i only have one pencil case poor me =/
*-FAM-ie =.=!!
hohoho. i FINALLY got to use the computer. =.=" so now i am more un-updated as sophia =.=". wait. even shirley oso updated liao. rofl. my tagboard is overflowed with unread tags. oh wells they would be replied at the end of this post. school's been ok these few days. exluding the fact that i was sick for 3 days. i love the headache+cough+flu combo. got 75% discount sommore de. hmm. so now that school has reopened, i shall write some stuff about it. OUR FORM TEACHER IS STILL MRS YEAP!. yay. our co-form teacher is still mr wong too! x) it always stabs me in the brain when some teacher say that "we know what you people blog about" then they give us that bimbotic stare. sigh. new year = new comm. guess who's our chairman?
ITS PERCY!. lmao.
chairman: Percy (da prickly prick)
v.chairman: Clarence (da yusiang)
secretary: Junhua (da paikia)
treasurer: Louis (da maureen)
CM (crystal maiden): ME (da cow!)
CM = class management larr..
still got sommore i forget already one but alot is i sabo pple de. ^^
those that i sabo are :
maoziyuan -> (ENGLISH REP. ROFL)
augustine -> (GUESS!.... MUSIC REP! ROFLMAO)
cant remember anymore le.
hmm. what to write bout..
OH YES. our physics teacher. Mr Fariiz (far east. lmao he say himself one). he bloody joker lor so cute. keep on saying louis and maureen. then he say "if i look at louis, my eye pain. if i look at louis then i look at maureen, my eyes ok already" then *grins*. ohs. && i grew. by alot too! im now 167 instead of 163 lol~! =DDD jaslynn. you got a LOOOOOONNNNGGG way to go xP j/k. hmm what else to write. ahh yess.. i made fwens with alot of sec 1's liao ! xDDD. (TSK! IM NOW SEC 2 MIND YOU!) ryan, the guy from zps is now is xms! xD. oh yes. and i saw in the enrolment list that isabel chang bao ke is now in 105 lol. benn chang bao chuan isabel chang bao ke. rings a bell? =P. oh yes speaking about "list of enrolment" reminds me of the class tee design coming up. i like the 2
6 thingy. but "list of enrolment" sounds funny. oh wells. good job boss!! i like the color combi ^^ i wish we can have it real soon! ((:
something random again -
wenqi joined choir. lols wonder why but mr yong said she was damn good. come in then immediately become sop 1 liaos. then she sing by herself oso quite pro de lo! even sec 3 got fumble but she never at all lor!!! wtf @@ so jealous. i wondered why she quit guzheng. isit because the guzheng room finally got burnt down? =D that would be a dream come true for bee ting lmao and those who hate guzheng as much as serene ho.
thats all for now.. im gonna.. watch pokemon =.= lmao. oh yes. tag replies.
*from bottom to top in other words*
quila: yes how lame indeed. you're getting the shiyang/jefferson sickness. oh dear.
weiming: she is, di, no worries.
chitann: whats a ear brow? or are you referring to eye brow? =/
meiqi: i nvr bully her lor! i got do h/w now de lo! (only becoz they're counted in SA =.=")
joelyn: its still moving! ^^ see im such a great pet keeper. it lasted longer than my goldfish lmao.
sophia: ty! ((:
junhua: i got obey her lo!. just that u nvr see can liao
chitann: sry lo =.="
joelyn: wahahas. he is crazy de lahs. you not xiaozabor. is luyi den is xiao zabor xP
jean: he knows your name dy wad. u two lovebirds in EL wad.
chitann: coz of bloody homeworks and cant use comp. =.="
there done! (: cya!
*-FAMhappy new year everyone!!
hehx. so im back from penang!! of course there's picture i uploaded after what seemed like hell that i went through. but they'll be at the end of the post =.= WAIT. dont scroll all the way down and look at my ugly face yet, im going to tell you once again.. THAT MY HOMEWORK ISNT DONE! lmao. homework homework please be done *waves wand*.. *flips through pages* shit. aiyayayaayiieee.. lol.. ytd countdown was damn nice ^^ i screamed all i could but hahas, i cant hear myself. =.=" sheeshz, better hope a nicenice teacher comes that bochap one. then we all win liao. aiya. tok about the trip to penang now:
1st night is in the bus de lo so nth much. then the next day we arrived at penang way earlier than we expected. the trip only lasted 9 hours. ok so when we reach there we ATE lol. wantanmee.. simple but tasty. then later go check into the rooms. (NOT HOTEL MIND YOU) ok so nothin much except some card games before the day ends.
2nd day is e day where the penang pple come and join us. hahas. their age-looks really can make you go wow. theres a 15-year-old shorter than me but yet a 14-year-old about same height as marcus/qinghao.. maybe 170cm, but is twice bigger in width than me lo.. his name is hong en =/ oh yes. they have funny names for a male too.. xiao ling and weiling are guy's names =/ lol. oh yes nd they sing VERY well. even the 11-12ish girls sing as though they have perf pitch. feel so inferior =/ sighx. we played some icebreakers after that, including poisonball and build sandcastles. (our tuan zhang, ytd at the sharing said that she was damn scared of the tsunami and to top that off she was hydrophobic. lmao. then she say she stand on the higher ground of sand and then keep staring at the water. she say when the water suddenly suck back she will scream "PAO ARR!!!" lol =.=") dinner after that then unc tim's sermon. on some movies. after that is nightwalk. damn nice/scary/fun lor. but its supposed to be a spiritual walk with God. =/ so must serious abit. ok ill try my best to explain it... its like you're blindfolded, barefooted and in the dark. you have to hold onto a string and it will lead you to the end point. hmm that wasnt that tough. but doing it actully is tougher lo. they very hen one.. got one place got tree branch sticking on top but the string is below =.= so pple wil kena knock into the branch, then got holes in the sand and in the holes got sharp rocks. OUCH. i kena cut. =/ then got one slope of sand, very VERY HARD to climb one.. will keep slipping one lo.. then got one part i step until water. (in the first place this is at held at the beach) then i tio shock, wth? then i slowly walk. but then i realise when the water at my knee there i nvr rise anymore =D lol. yay. =.= lame. thats all lorr..
3rd day morning got devotional on the seed reaper thingy. and then after that got GAMES! the treasure quest!! =/ i love it so much. very fun lo.. ok is like you have to play diff station's games and then get as much points as possible. on top of that at each station got a scared document hidden somewhere, each group can only take the document that has its own group number on it lo. so 1st game we played was called 'unlock the puzzle'. is like a picture in grids but got one hole missing. then must scramble them then try to make it look lik the original picture without lifting a piece, only allowed to shift the pieces using the hole. here we accidentally moved a piece i think coz only one pair left tombalek. ok so sad :( 2nd game is.. err.. i forgot the order la but ill just tell u guys all the games. one of the games were sudoku the jap number game. one horizontal line can only have 1 of each 1-9 numbers and same for a 3x3 square and the vertical line. our group scored a pathetic 24/290 thanks to some guy who dono how to play but act as if he does >=( zzz.. then later got one is guessing game lor, is like, choose one person, then the rest of the group members will be showed a chinese word (doesnt have to be on character only) and the group members must make the chosen guy say the words out witout saying some other prohibited words. we scored 105/140 points here. quite good i would say, coz is like guess correct = 5 points. then if say the word then no more points then move to next one le. then after that got one memory game. is like u see the actual postion then got pictures of monkey, star, baby, moon and stuff, then later the game marshal will ask for a picture then u must pick out all of the same picture lo. then lets say she wan baby then u open 2 baby then 3rd one wrong then u get 2 points everything else turn back down. but if she wan baby u get all 8 baby, u get extra 10 point then the 8 babies will remain face up until the joker card appears. when the joker card is flipped, you will minus 2 points but the good thing is you get to turn down all the flipped open cards. which means u can get more points la. we score 187 out of an indefinite max score, according to eileen, the game marshall, we were the highest scoring team at this ^^. next got guess the way. is like one grid then u start on one square then must see luck anyhow step one box next to you then see if correct anot lo. then this part we suck like hell man. no1 managed to pass means that we get 0 points and minus the number of points as the number of pple we have. we had 7 pple so -7 T_T. so thats all lor. but then got one group the sacred document kena buried deep deep by another group. so jian lol. in the end they tio scolded. =/ after games was free and easy, i went pool. lalalala =x i love places where got no age limits ^^ after that eat dinner then 2nd part of the sermon by unc tim then got campfire!! xD
4th and last day. nothing much, just pack up and get ready to go home. but got time mah. so we go shop. LOL. nvr shopla. in the end go arcade lol. the games there so lame lo. percussionfreak singapore version 10 le there still version 1! wth. so slow and no rhythm lines wth. waste my RM1. then go back singapore liao.
THATS IT. NOW IM GOING TO POST.... my new year resolutions!! WAHAHAA copy from sophia =/
lol. this is it:
-better than c6 for history
-a1 for maths, science and geography.
-better than b4 for eng and chinese
-improve in soccer
-sing better
-hopefully reach 170cm by the end of next year
-to truly follow my heart
-get into to top 40 for overall position ><"
-get streamed into pure science together with the one my heart follows and drop history
-still stay friends as 2o6 even if we all tio separated. =)
HAHAHAHAHAHA. ill look at this post nxt year and see if i have achieved them. =P
PICTURES!!! captions under pictures as usual


wonder why im not in the pic? coz im being buried xP JK. i went to take water la =/

YAYe group pic ^^ eeks no specs is weird =/

fellowship picture! ^^ i look weird (as usual) =X

is this dajie's friend yueliang or sumthing o.O

the penang pple's performance! ^^

this is the BEST effect i've ever seen





Their skit in 5 pics lol. very nice and touching

weizhong and wangkai's group pic! xD

time to say byebye =X
THATS ALL FOLKS. happy vommiting out everything u just ate