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Thursday, February 05, 2009
i think meblog going to close soon .
so lazy to post about stuff ._.

ill just update more on facebook
do add me :)
email come ask personally , though its kinda easy to guess

that's all^^

11:07:00 PM

Saturday, January 24, 2009

back to update .
just so that this blog doesnt rot again
suddenly mr pah's quote comes to mind
"he who doesnt learn from history is condemned to repeat it"
which also brings to mind the history worksheet which i havent completeted
i mean , started

anyway , recently , monday only actually , i started watching css
and also thanks to fact that i can finally watch channel u
but the color got problem
the blue blue circle with the u in the center is supposed to be blue
but its purple on my stupid television .
which also leads to many other color differentiaions
which also helps me to find the gradient of a curve
i think jarod is really pro haha
he's like 13 only but he can reach notes that are totally out of human's range
but he's still human , dont worry
and so i think i'll vote for him
and then theres ridhwan , a malay who sings chinese !
when the hosts talking in chinese he's like stoning on the floor , almost always .
haha , really pei fu him la

anyway since im bored now i shall upload some pics
and introduce you to some of my friends
captions above pictures :

warning : this is not a human , its a unknown species of fat pig which might
just eat you up one day
she is also so short that you might mistake her for the dustbin near you

next up is my dotter , i mean daughter
she's a real noob . can has weird walking/running/talking habits

this is quila .
used to be called rou gu mei while nich lam was jinlong
as in the show huang jin lu
but now she's boss ! coz she's bossy xD

im not really introducing the person here
its the bag
red and white , maciam ndp merchandise
it belongs to percy but is carried by junhua in this picture

this last person is a new friend of mine
his face might look familar to some of you but do not be fooled !
he is a master of disguise and can hide what he really looks/feels
when he emo , he likes to dao people , which is bad

i'm gonna go do my history homework =3

k then , that's all^^

10:38:00 PM

Saturday, January 17, 2009
school started at 11.30am yesterday for me .
pro , no ?

so i got 2 hours detention 1 demerit point .
saw abraham asking the om to on the aircon
while waiting for john to give me the latecoming slip
and then went back to class
yonghor was going through matrices when i came in
and was warmly greeted by licheng , lol
so i just sat down and stoned for half an hour or so .
then after that went to do one hour of detention during the
1 and a half hour break .
i used this time to do history homework coz i obviously didnt do it previously xD

history turned out like last week .
lots of "inspiring" words from ms chia . lol
and soon just fell asleep o_O

then went for choir
got new scholars come
got 3 for bass
whose name i all forgot ._.
but i know one of them is from indo hahaa
then soon after we took measurement for our new choir costume
the auntie was like ... indescribable , lol

oh well , after the horrible experience , went to serve my other hour of detention
then mark came , then nuer , then my two laogongs
and then mr lee also came to do detention with us
he asked us to go wrap hamper
so we go back class after my detention
crapped alot there then went for dinner soon after .

then there were inhouse games
so i went to lan to play
after few normal dota matchs played one -arshom
actually it was 3v3 de
then became 12v12
because tio nagasiren . lmao
i kill till unstoppable then lan close le
my build : the new basher :D
cool eh lol

then went home , played dota till morning =/
all randomed heroes quite fun larr
then went to sleep at 9am

that's all^^

7:18:00 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009
"Whatever It Takes"

A strangled smile fell from your face
What kills me that I hurt you this way
The worst part is that I didn't even know
Now there's a million reasons for you to go
But if you can find a reason to stay

I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know that I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
Believe that I can change
I'll keep us together whatever it takes

She said "If we're gonna make this work
You gotta let me inside even though it hurts
Don't hide the broken parts that I need to see"
She said "Like it or not it's the way it's gotta be
You gotta love yourself if you can ever love me"

I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know that I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
And give me a break
I'll keep us together, I know you deserve much better

But remember the time I told you the way that I felt
That I'd be lost without you and never find myself
Let's hold onto each other above everything else
Start over, start over

I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
and believe that I can change
I'll keep us together whatever it takes
12:34:00 AM

Monday, January 05, 2009
shit .

i forgot to wish you all happy new year

so here it is



that's all^^

9:46:00 PM

Friday, January 02, 2009
zzzzzz . you again

time and again you make me so pissed off
that i feel like ripping off your hair and burning that thousand-year-old
handkerchief of yours
the sight of you is so horrible that the sunglasses was invented for you
and your 'oh-so-common' complaints .
its total wtf and i totally dont give a shit
you think your voice very pro ?
come from some british uni ?
pls la , i think your voice is so BEAUTIFUL
that it can killing the living and wake the dead

the way you want everything according to your way
as if you own the world or something
i'm not sure if being fat boosts your ego or something
but you , for sure , are a abominational bitch
ruling the choir as if everyone was born to be your dog
the way you disregard our feelings and hard work
by just totally rejecting our plans without even a second of consideration
the way you bitch about us behind our backs
when you claim that we are supposed to work together
you're a real genius

you claim to be begging for money for the choir
giving us that shitty act-poor-thing face of yours
which nvr works by the way .
if thats true , why are we pennyless now ?
two possible reasons
one , you're just bullshitting .
just trying to show that you "care" for the choir
like for what ?
so that when we raise funds ourselves , you can take all the glory ?
you're so full of shit .
two , you spent that money for yourself
eating mountains of rice and rivers of vegetables and meat everyday ?
possible , though not as likely as the first , given your character
eat and eat and eat
wait you explode one day

i just hate you man
the way you are stabbing the committee in its back
i cant stand you hurting my friends over and over again
like nobody's fuck business
i don't wish to mention names
but you should know the shit stuff you do
we totally dont like
and no , its not for our good , 100% gurantee you plus chop and send to the 2010 youth games

you just suck big time .
if straws ever become extinct somehow , you'll do a great job .
just go fuck yourself in the face .
7:42:00 PM

Thursday, December 25, 2008

what better way to celebrate christmas than to start mapling again
and find yourself spending more bucks on the lame plastic 5.3cm x 8.5cm prepaid cards
let me count .
grand total of 1,020,000 acash
which sums up to $1091.40
feel free to take a look at my collection

i started playing maple again becoz its the only game
i can play during work
other than neopets , which i swore to quit
but then again i thought that i swore to quit maple again .
gah , thats not the point so screw that .

i now training arcaneecho to lv 100 !
she is now lv 99 with 92%
but her dmg sucks i think .
i see other mits around my lvl throw 5-6k on sotong some more
then got one lv 85 mit highest dmg same as me

anyway i built another infighter since my gunslinger failed like horribly
its now ... lv 25 rofl
wanna get it to like 50 ? before school starts .
but after school start will i continue to play ?
i cant even answer that

this holidays i total only like earn 100 bucks la
after minusing off what i spent .
but NO its not ENTIRELY on maple ._.

speaking about the game
i shall tell you all that almost everyone in netforce plays aquila
and im probably the only one in delph

that they are all pros
for example got one guy the name very easy rmb , is princeicy
lv 174 nightlord uptodate
he very funny la i rmb
got one time we going to close liao he kill the bodyguard haven kill finish
then he tell auntie to lenien abit
but drag very long le then in the end he ate one onyx apple
[his dmg reached 31k crit per star in triple throw just fyi with se lah]
but 10 seconds later . the bodyguard die -_-"
epic fail

got another char name sunofabeach
joker name but i dont really rmb lvl and stuff

i think the link is gone .
i shall create another random topic .

christmas usually means end of your holidays and start of the torment
in other words , school is starting

1) i don wan cut my hair
2) i lost the booklist , cannot buy books
3) homework also all "lost" .
4) i wanna continue working ! lol income very shuang

aiya i wan go train my infi le .

that's all^^

2:57:00 AM

Monday, December 15, 2008
hi kids
i got my new comp le yay ! xD
its really fast but the internet sucks

which makes my dota suck
i just dced 3 teamates in the previous game rofl
but tinker is imba mwahahah
was using it

guin , laser , rocket , shiva , orchid
guin , laser , rocket , shiva , orchid
guin , laser , rocket , shiva , orchid


that aside , my jukin sucks now .
total fail sia
feed the opponent sa ._.
sent bottom got one area under the first tower that can walk one
then abit to the left
got another area that got entrance but is dead end
and too near creeps for fog

so i mistook that one for the ... other one .
then got another part is the sa hunt me at the mid 1st tower there
then i walk in to the tree and stuff but i haven rearm my bot yet
then i hide in one place rearm
haven even channel finish sa blink strike me i die le -.-
rearm lv 1 only , sad

end game with bot , shiva , guin , orchid , linken (take from junhua's potm) and gem
and in that order too

the wycf ended liao
and i finally can sleep past noon without worries again
but somehow i like miss the thing sia
singing there got feeling that singing in xmchorale don have
every page
every measure
every bar
every note
got this feeling surging through the hairbuds of your arms and back
aka goosebumps but in the good way
is like really feeling the song and stuff like that
too bad i cant get this from xmchorale ):
but still hope we can soon

so i got a file from them during the camp that time
and used it to get the autograph from my two conductors

bob chilcott :

and eugene rogers :

both are damn pro and nice pple that i miss alot
they are really , really damn pro .
trust me

i even bought a book
with two songs that we were singing in it
just so that i can look at the two songs again whenever i want

oh and the autograph on my file :

eugene de signature i din take picture of , coz it was too light
all right as i'm posting right now the goose and the swan is ringing in my head -.-"
the ah ah ah part .
wa can cloud nine one i tell you

okay anyway here are some other pictures ..

this is one of our pianists
very pro , ofcourse but i dono her name
she looks like sophia so i just call her sophia LOL xD

this was the guest of honor for our closing ceremony =p

SCANDALEZ [however you spell it] ! hahah
the elegant pair [mr yong and the angelica],
both hold the flowers with both hands and exactly the same posture
then the rugged pair [mr toh and miss yin],
both hold the flowers with only their left hand haha
miss yin put her hand on mr toh shoulder some more

this was a photo i took of other pple taking with bobby boy :D [quote nichwong xD]

i really miss the camp and want another one =/
but maybe in the afternoon pls
i would willingly sacrifice work time to go for it
not that work is boring , just that being there at the choir is priceless

anyway here are the remaining random shots in my phone :

i saw this in a shop lol
use these plates and 100% get melamine [dono how to spell also]

some random choir singing outside vch
think they were from china but they wearing de costume like japanese ._.
quite pro la =p

the guy at the far end , on the right is teng yong
everyone was imitating his pose

until he became emo . LOL

oh well
going to sleep le 2am liaoz

PS : im downloading maple in my home com -.-"
PPS : the download speed suddenly jumped from 20-30kbps to 100 kbps . wow

that's all^^

1:47:00 AM

Thursday, December 11, 2008
happy 2oo posts to my blog since dono when .

okay . recently the wycf thingy had its "opening ceromony" perf
then it was like sing one song then can zaolor alrdy
zz -.-"
in the end we sang for less than 5 minutes in the entire 1½ hours
but i still cant deny the fact that the orchestra/strings ensemble is really sensational
the music they produce is just ... soul-lifting
makes you wanna sing along , really
okay maybe i'm just a little too enthusiastic =/

so an unknown species of round ballzxc came to watch my concert
but i failed to spot in the audience from the stage
because its too short and because i was being blocked by like 6 pple in front of me

after the "ceromony" went to catch wildchild with my laogongs & cousin-in-law (?)actually , this movie sorta makes me think
whether i treat my parent/teachers that way
nevertheless , the show had some ridiculously funny parts

oh btw did i mention that i was in performing attire
when i went to catch the movie
like long white sleeve shirt and black long pants with a blazer ?
skali pple think i failed businessman trying to catch up with life

so went home after the movie that day .
then there was today
or yesterday , since its past midnight

had choir sectionals starting at 10
so decided to pon the wycf thingy which started at 9 and was at vch
didnt make alot of sense for us to go there for half an hour
then need to pack up and start making our way back le -_-"
mr yong said that bob chilcots was damn good .
well we'll find that out tmr (later)
but mr or dr eugene rogers is really damn funny/good at the same time
he can reach like omg .
his falsetto is imba
so is his real voice
the only thing stopping him from being singing god is that he cant reach low notes
which explains why he's a tenor

theres alot of cool things about this guy
first , his name is eugene rogers
eugene sounds like a name , so does rogers
so which isit ?

and then theres this cute towel that he has with him
that he used to wipe his bald head -.-"

his warmups are super . super . weird UNIQUE !
[for example , the very first warm up he asked us to do
was actually a song -.-" and we singing the support parts
while he brings out the melody in his imba falsetto]
and he keeps asking us to imitate what he's doing
like hand actions , whatsoever
surprisingly , it works ! -__-"

he also has the same problem as lin yau
[our opening ceromony conductor]
bcoz they dono the lyrics of the song
(and just lost the chance to win half a million dollars)
then they always use funny sounds
some examples would be
and it really sounds ridiculous when the actual lyrics sound nothing like that

oh and the way he wants us to sing the song everlasting melody
is like so . omg
totally different from all the youtube videos and what we've been doing
he gives the song like a total makeover and now it sounds like
some folk song in thailand's kampong
[jinda ?!?!?!]

overall i think he's very nice and humourous
and i think sessions with him would be interesting
and i somehow look forward to it =p

oh well
tmr will be xinmin's performance as a guest at the wycf
better sleep now so that can get some 精神 for tmr

anyway .. here are some random pictures in my phone .
captions over pictures :



again , with mr terence toh , another hilarious conductor

the auditorium at CCAB ; phototaking session -_-"

my ezlink card with value -40cents but still can take bus
coz i buy concession XD

i swear i wasnt the one who did this .
it was found in my lift . lmao

20 bucks icecream ; very long ago , with prayer group members

gone within minutes

that's all^^

1:08:00 AM

Thursday, December 04, 2008
omg the songs of the festival choir is STILL ringing in my head nw .
the imbaness of a damn big choir is really .

and somemore one song still got the string ensemble play as accompaniment
the music is simply stuck to my head

this song is like wow

we singing the exact same version i think .

then got this song
the name is everlasting melody
and then got this part where there lyrics is
"everlasting melody" and there write REPEAT AS DESIRED
then really got repeat a few thousand times .
and then in the end the conductor said
"the song is playing in my head nonstop now
no wonder its called everlasting melody"

the part is easily recognised coz its the part with the clappings
see if you like it xD

here it is :

however i think that ours is more complicated then theirs
either that or i totally didnt hear the bass part
so mayb they combined the guy voices .

did u notice how emotionless the conductor was -__-"
yet the choir could do the dynamics so well ...

enjoy :D

hmm . and then went for class chalet frm 1-3 december
which was monday to wednesday
first day go
is like damn late reach with mark coz go for the fest choir
end liao then go chalet
in the end they bbqing some lame stuff which i didnt dare eat
but i must mention the garlic bread is nice de
nicer than pizza hut de lei

then first night i didnt gamble .
not a single cent .
thanks to another dream nightmare two days back about losing heck lot of money
only played indian poker .
play until left samuel and me only , then i won breakfast
actualy i wanted to go for choir next day de
but i ton halfway
5.30am KO
[ random fact : osama sleep halfway will suddenly SNORE DAMN LOUD , beware! ]

wake up late le =.="
sianzzzzzz then no voice also , so just didnt go for choir .
then went to arcade for some really really interesting games
well yeah

first there was this small little machine that u should
throw balls to hit the screen
so i just sat inside and use my hands whack -.-"

second there was this basket ball game that u should
throw balls into the basket and score points [ HUH?! ]
so i just sat there and pretend my hand was the ball
[more specific info go tuckheng blog -.- got photo and video some more]
[random fact : some one i didnt know took a photo/video of me . will i appear on stomp?]

third there was this machine that i played before
where you should hit the drums as the bars drop down
also known as percussion freakz
so i just sat there and use my hands and play

isnt my hand just great (:

next was movies
the decided show : winx club beverly hong chihuahua SARS quarantine city of lamers

the plot of the story was to escape frm this another world inside the earth
and that the "builders" of this another world had left instructions
directly and indirectly to guide the people to escape
then got this imba mole
hahahaha damn big and keep eating
like jaslynn like that

after that went bowling
so after not playing for like quite long
all the spin shots are like rubbish as usual lol
so might as well just throw straight

then i won first match among the guys

then we high tiao then play another match
then this time bun gay-style start pwning
he slowly roll until damn gay
but always on target de
then my ball speed 21mph his only 8mph lols

then after that we went back to chalet to play indian poker again
knn lost to jean haha .
then go toilet like 7 times -.-"
hahaha then we ordered pizza and i was damn full =/ [guesswhy]
so din eat much
then 11+ started gambling -_-"

i said i maximum lose 2 buck then quit alrd
in the end lost 25 bucks still wan to continue
just kidding , not that epic xD

but play for 1 hour in the end bolai -_-"
banban once some more lolololol

after that went to arcade for the dono how many-th time le
and saw the people in charge there wondering why my highscore the 1 cannot
kena erase LOL
other than that spammed abit of daytona also

eh wait wait !
i just rmbed that before going to arcade we went to the "haunted house"
that we cr8ed for ourselves
and the glassdoor was locked -.-" zzz lol

ok so back in time after daytona and stuff just went back and sleep
in the morning my phone alarm rang ...
i didnt hear it as usual
until tuck started to use the blanket to yep me
then suddenly change to gei wo yi shou ge de shi jian
coz jas called -__-" thanks anyway :D

ok so today choir -> lunch -> choir -> lan
nothing much =p

if you want the chalet pics you can go tuck blog
who's tuck ? i'll show you

but dont click him tho , coz i din link him to his blog :D

and heres somebody sleeping off his ass

i took it ! i didnt rip , its different frm tuck de XD

that's all^^


12:38:00 AM

' daniel(:

XMS 1o6'o6 2o6'o7 3o4'o8!:D 4o4'o9 :DDDDDDD

` DotA:D
` drumZ :D
` piano :D

nich lam

September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009


use the horizontal scroll to use the media player =]


this is a lame test . lol . just TRY and get full marks xD
this is a more "serious" quiz about me , not MUCH rubbish xD
Brushes - */
Background - */
Designer -